Judo Association of India (JAI) National Judo Championships Pre Cadets, Cadets, Junior and Senior; female & male. New Delhi, India 14th & 15th November 2020 Email: drdharry@yahoo.com
Luiz Pavani marcou presença como presidente da Confederação Sul-Americana de Judô e árbitro internacional O santa-mariense Luiz Pavani, presidente da Confederação Sul-Americana de Judô, participou do Campeonato Mundial de Judô e dos Jogos Internacionais de Artes Marciais, considerado o maior do mundo. Os eventos ocorreram de 31 de outubro a 3 de novembro, em Carrara, na Itália, e Pavani atuou...
APERTURAN LOS VIII JUEGOS MUNDIALES DE LAS ARTES MARCIALES Carrara, Italia.- El Carrara Sport Hall fue el escenario elegido por el Comité Organizador de los VIII Juegos de las Artes Marciales organizados bajo la sombrilla de International Martial Arts Committee (IMGC) Luego del desfile de las delegaciones participantes y las palabras inaugurales del señor RI Yong Son , presidente de la IMGC y demás autoridades...
TAFISA is The Association For International Sport for All headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany with more than 350 member organisations in 170 countries and regions worldwide. Once every two years, participants from Sport for All organisations and related organisations, etc. hold the TAFISA World Congress as an international convention for promoting the Sport for All philosophy and physical activity through a...
TAFISA WORLD WALKING DAY (WWD) 2019 - 5TH TO 6TH OCTOBER 2019 TAFISA World Walking Day will officially take place on the weekend of October 5-6, however events on other dates may also register to be a part of the celebrations.WWD is open to citizens of all ages, backgrounds, abilities and genders, and it is open to every TAFISA member organization and any...
2019 NATIONAL JUDO CHAMPIONSHIPS Australian Kodokan Judo Association (AKJA) Junior, Cadet, Senior & Veterans; female and male. Training Camp, Kata and Shiai Fri 4th - Sun 6th October 2019 Gordonvale High Sport Centre Sheppards St., Gordonvile Caros QLD, Australia.
The I TAFISA World Martial Arts Festival will be held on the territory of the Ulyanovsk Region (Russian Federation) from 13 to 17 of September, 2019. The festival was organized by the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, the International Organization «Sport for All» TAFISA, the Russian Union of Martial Arts and the Ulcongress. It is expected that this big international sport...
A torch-kindling ceremony for the 8th International Martial Arts Games took place in Pyongyang on Wednesday. The torch kindled at the cauldron near the Taekwondo Palace on Chongchun Street will be brought to light the cauldron at the opening ceremony venue of the 8th International Martial Arts to be held in Italy in November. Present at the ceremony were Ri Yong Son, chairman of...
Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Italiana de Educación Deportiva donde el Maestro Alfredo Vismara, Director Técnico de la World Judo Federación está entre la lista de expositores el próximo 27 de octubre 2019 en la ciudad de Milano, Italia. Las Caras de La Misma Medalla será el tema tratado bajo la premisa de TORI & UKE - UKE & TORI...
La World Judo Federation (WJF) se integró a la celebración del Día Internacional la Juventud el 12 agosto fue declarado por Asamblea General Naciones Unidas como Día Internacional la Juventud mediante Resolución N° 54/120 del año 1999, cumpliendo con recomendación Conferencia Mundial de Ministros Asuntos la Juventud, realizada un año antes. Los diferentes organismos a nivel Mundial afiliados a la...


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