TAFISA Members Keep the World Challenge Day Tradition Alive in 2020 TAFISA World Challenge Day 2020 will remain a special edition. While the friendly competition between cities and communities could not be held as usual, some TAFISA members managed to keep the tradition alive and promoted being active while following their national recommendations and guidelines for physical distancing and risk-minimisation. Communities worked...
Es importante transmitir los valores y beneficios del deporte. Es un compromiso que está muy cerca de mi corazón. Incluso hoy, en 2020, todavía vemos demasiado odio y racismo en la sociedad de todo el mundo. He experimentado situaciones impactantes durante mi carrera y también en mi vida. En particular el racismo. Es doloroso y realmente puede destruir a una persona....
27 Mayo / 27 th May HORA / HOUR 5:00 PM SISTEMA DE REUNIONES   
#DíaDelDesafío #JuntosEnElDíaDelDesafío A lo largo de los últimos 25 años el Día del Desafío, coordinado mundialmente por TAFISA – The Association For International Sport for All – y, en el Continente Americano, por el Sesc São Paulo, con apoyo institucional de ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association – y de UNESCO, se ha consolidado como uno de los más importantes...
Una nueva campaña en línea, el Día de la FAMILIA TAFISA celebra el compromiso de nuestros miembros por un mundo mejor. El DÍA de la FAMILIA TAFISA es una gran oportunidad para que nuestros miembros compartan sus esfuerzos para combatir la inactividad física a través del DEPORTE PARA TODOS y aumentar la conciencia dentro de la Familia TAFISA y el...
A Confederação Sul-Americana de Judô (CSJ) está desafiando você a se manter em movimento e em contato com o judô nesse período de isolamento. Você nem precisa sair de casa! Se você tem uma câmera no seu celular e um judogi, você pode participar! Não fique de fora desta disputa inovadora! La Confederación Sudamericana de Judo (CSJ) lo desafía a...
We are saddened to hear that Sensei Saburo Matsushita 9th Dan, died on April 19th 2020. He was Chief Instructor of The Budokwai from 1958-61. He is pictured seated in the centre, whilst hosting a visit from Budokwai members in November 2018. He will be remembered for his kindness and generosity. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad...
Sensei Naoki Murata, 8th Dan, passed away  on 14th April 2020 due to the effeccts of Covid-19
ONLINE TRAINING STAY HOME, STAY FIT Sampson Sampson, 8th Dan, World Judo Federation (WJF) Director of Arbitration presents home training exercises in front of the Covid-19 / Sampson Sampson, 8th Dan, Referees Director of the World Judo Federation (WJF) presents training exercises to perform at home in front of the Covid-19 ENTRENAMIENTO EN LINEA MANTENTE EN CASA, MANTENTE EN FORMA. Sampson Sampson,...
In these very strange times we have put together a comprehensive routine for Newaza / BJJ which any athlete can do at home with no equipment needed. This routine consisting of 51 individual exercises guarantees to build your strength, agility and flexibility specifically for fighting on the ground. I run through many of these exercises each week during my...


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