On the occasion of the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, TAFISA President Juho Chang met with the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Dr Thomas Bach on July 27. The IOC and TAFISA have been cooperating on various projects such as the Certified Leadership Courses (CLC) or the Sustainable Health programmes supported by the IOC. The IOC President stated the need for strengthening the social role of sports and asserted the significance of TAFISA’s role. As came the subject of the Olympic Agenda 2020 TAFISA took the opportunity to submit the document “TAFISA’s Contribution to the IOC Agenda 2020”, designed in accordance with the 40 Recommendations of the Olympic Agenda 2020. The meeting was joined by Sam Ramsamy from South Africa, IOC member and Chairman of IOC Commission on Sport and Active Society.
The Chairman of the 6th TAFISA World Sport for All Games Isman Hayono then presented the Games and personally invited Thomas Bach to attend the even in Jakarta, October 2016 . The IOC President underlined that the Games’ motto “Unity in Diversity” matched the values of the Olympic Agenda 2020.
This meeting confirmed the longstanding partnership between both organisations and IOC’s recognition of TAFISA as the leading global Sport for All organisation