12th World Judo Day, August 26th 2022
XII Día Mundial del Judo, 26 agosto 2022
Al efecto Suecia, España, Venezuela, República Dominicana, Panamá, Australia, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Chile y Argentina, entre otros, les correspondió ser los paises fundadores de esta nueva organización del judo mundial cuyos principales principios correspondieron a la difusión del Judo Tradicional bajo el lema de Judo para Todos.
El primer Comité Ejecutivo de la entidad del judo mundial estuvo compuesto por Jaime Casanova Martínez, representando a la República Dominicana como presidente de la World Judo Federation, Paulo Dubois, de Brasil fue electo como vicepresidente (América) y tesorero, el doctor Paul G. Hoglund de Suecia en la posición de primer vicepresidente (Europa), David Gordge representando a Australia fue electo como vicepresidente (Oceanía), Alejandro Giuliano representando a Chile asumió como Director Deportivo, Carlos Diaz de Venezuela electo como Director de Arbitraje y José Manuel García García representando a España calificado en la Dirección de Educación y Entrenadores.
Hoy día nos corresponde celebrar los doce años de la fundación de la World Judo Federation superando tiempos muy difíciles bajo ataques constantes a nuestros programas y ejecutorias por otras entidades de la disciplina de Jigoro Kano, la terrible pandemia del Covid 19 y ahora los desmanes de la invasión rusa a Ucrania que ha desestabilizado el actual orden mundial política y económicamente a lo que no es ajeno al deporte mundial en sus diferentes organizaciones ya sean o no olimpicas.
Aun así hemos realizado Campeonatos Mundiales, Continentales, Nacionales, etc., y de manera constante participamos en eventos de The Association for International Sport for All
Los logros de la World Judo Federation son constantes lo que nos ha permitido la captación de nuevos miembros con lo que hemos aumentado la membresía de manera significativa redundando en el incremento de las diferentes actividades en todo el contexto mundial.
De esta manera el cuerpo técnico de la entidad federada mundial prepara desde ya un amplio y variado programa de actividades para el próximo año 2023 con competiciones mundiales, continentales y de igual manera cursos, seminarios y asambleas en los ordenes técnicos de arbitraje, entrenamiento y graduaciones, entre otros temas.
En la actualidad el Comité Ejecutivo de la World Judo Federation esta conformado por Jaime Casanova, presidente de la Republica Dominicana; Paul G. Hoglund, primer vicepresidente y secretario de Suecia; David Gordge, vicepresidente – tesorero de Australia; Stephan Leifield, secretario adjunto de Alemania y Sampson Sampson, director técnico de Inglaterra.
Fue muy acertada la decisión del Comité Ejecutivo de la World Judo Federation de instituir cada 26 de agosto como en Dia Mundial del Judo lo que permite una verdadera unificación del judo mundial el que sigue los postulados del
Maestro Jigoro Kano.
«En esta doceava celebración de la fundación de la WJF pedimos a todos nuestros afiliados realizar actividades de acuerdo a la fecha como torneos, seminarios de arbitraje, exámenes de grado, charlas sobre los orígenes del judo, exhibición de material didáctico, caminatas, etc., con la finalidad de que los orígenes de la WJF se mantengan presentes en base a los principios que motivaron su creación», así se expreso el presidente Jaime Casanova.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- On August 26, 2011 in the city of Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the World Judo Federation was formed with the participation of several countries from different continents.
To this effect, Sweden, Spain, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Australia, the United States, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, among others, were the founding countries of this new organization of world judo whose main principles corresponded to the dissemination of Traditional Judo. under the motto of Judo for All.
The first Executive Committee of the world judo entity was composed of Jaime Casanova Martínez, representing the Dominican Republic as president of the World Judo Federation, Paulo Dubois, from Brazil was elected as vice president (America) and treasurer, Dr. Paul G. Hoglund from Sweden in the position of First Vice President (Europe), David Gordge representing Australia was elected as Vice President (Oceania), Alejandro Giuliano representing Chile took over as Sporting Director, Carlos Diaz from Venezuela elected as Director of Refereeing and José Manuel García García representing Spain qualified in the Directorate of Education and Trainers.
Today, more countries have joined the WJF, which has allowed the organization of important world events in Brazil, Greece, Italy, the Dominican Republic, England, Australia, Chile, Argentina, in short, wherever the entity has a presence, the JUDO FOR ALL under the postulate of Master Jigoro Kano of Friendship and Mutual Prosperity.
Today it is up to us to celebrate the twelve years of the founding of the World Judo Federation, overcoming very difficult times under constant attacks on our programs and actions by other entities in the discipline of Jigoro Kano, the terrible Covid 19 pandemic and now the excesses of the Russian invasion of Ukraine that has destabilized the current world order politically and economically, which is not unrelated to world sport in its different organizations, whether Olympic or not.
Even so, we have held World, Continental, National Championships, etc., and we constantly participate in events of The Association for International Sport for All (Tafisa) and the International Martial Art Games Committee (IMGC), both entities recognized by the Olympic Committee. International (IOC) and to which the World Judo Federation is affiliated as a full member.
In the same way, the instruction in different courses and seminars masterfully taught by Alfredo Vismara, Italian, Ninth Dan and Sampson Sampson, English, Eighth Dan who have managed the technical part of this world entity.
The achievements of the World Judo Federation are constant, which has allowed us to attract new members, with which we have increased membership significantly, resulting in the increase of different activities throughout the world context.
In this way, the technical body of the world federated entity is already preparing a wide and varied program of activities for the next year 2023 with world and continental competitions and in the same way courses, seminars and assemblies in the technical orders of arbitration, training and graduations. , among other topics.
Currently, the Executive Committee of the World Judo Federation is made up of Jaime Casanova, president of the Dominican Republic; Paul G. Hoglund, First Vice President and Secretary of Sweden; David Gordge, Vice President – Treasurer of Australia; Stephan Leifield, Deputy Secretary of Germany and Sampson Sampson, Technical Director of England.
The decision of the Executive Committee of the World Judo Federation to institute every August 26 as World Judo Day was very successful, which allows a true unification of world judo, which follows the postulates of Master Jigoro Kano.
«In this twelfth celebration of the foundation of the WJF, we ask all our affiliates to carry out activities according to the date, such as tournaments, arbitration seminars, degree exams, talks about the origins of judo, exhibition of teaching materials, walks, etc. , with the aim that the origins of the WJF remain present based on the principles that motivated its creation», said President Jaime Casanova.