La World Judo Federation es miembro de pleno derecho del Comité Internacional de los Juegos de las Artes Marciales donde su vicepresidente el sueco Paul G. Hoglund ocupa esa misma posición en el importante organismo internacional que agrupa las disciplinas marciales a nivel mundial.

La World Judo Federation ha instruido a sus organismos afiliados junto con atletas, entrenadores, árbitros, personal de soporte, dirigentes y colaboradores a que durante este día realicen competiciones, clínicas de arbitraje, exámenes de grado, charlas sobre la fundación de la entidad mundial, caminatas, exposición de documentos relativos a la disciplina del judo que fundo el Maestro Jigoro Kano en 1882, entre otras importantes actividades.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- «On behalf of the International Martial Art Games Committee, would like to extend my warmest greetings to you and all the participants in the Worldwide Activity celebrating the 7th World Judo Day on the occasion of the WJF Foundation »
«Convinced that it would serve as an important occasion for further to promoting and consolidating the organization in the world I sincerely wish you and all the participants pleasant time and great success of the event.»
This is how the president of the International Martial Art Games Committee expresses the native of North Korea, RI Yong Son, who is also the president of the International Tae Kwon Do Federation, ITF, in a letter addressed to Jaime Casanova his condition as president of the World Judo Federation on the occasion of this August 26th World Judo Day.
The International Martial Art Games Committee was founded by General Choi Hong Li in Buenos Aires, Argentina on September 2, 1999 and who was its first president.
The World Judo Federation is a full member of the International Martial Art Games Committee where its vice-president, the Swedish Paul G. Hoglund occupies that same position in the important international organization that groups the martial disciplines worldwide.
Every year on August 26 the World Judo Federation together with all its affiliated National Federations celebrates the date of the foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, of this organization in 2011.
The World Judo Federation has instructed its affiliated organizations along with athletes, coaches, referees, support personnel, leaders and collaborators to conduct competitions, arbitration clinics, undergraduate exams, talks on the founding of the world entity, during this day, walks, exposition of documents related to the discipline of judo that was founded by Master Jigoro Kano in 1882, among other important activities.
August 25, 2018.-

La Asociacion de Artes Marciales Judokan Uruguay Felicita a la WJF y en especial a su distiguido presidente
Jaime Casanova.
Gracias por el gran Aporte constante a las artes Marciales y en especial al Judo.
Muy atentamente Jose Soca Montero , presidente