WJF affiliates representative in Canada
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- In the continuation of the affiliation program for new members, the World Judo Federation announces the integration as an organization of the WJF Canada (WJF-Canada)
WJF Canada has fulfilled the requirements for integration as a new entity by expanding the number of members of the World Judo Federation.
WJF Canada is located in Quebec City on the broad Canadian territory.
Members of WJF Canada are led by Majid Tayeb Cherif, President; Luc Girard, vice president; Hayro Calzada Astengo, secretary and Samia Benyahia, treasurer, among others.
WJF Canada currently has its website under construction under the name www.worldjudofederationcanada.
The Executive Committee of the World Judo Federation welcomed the executives of WJF Canada and invited them to join the activities as a full member.
WJF afilia representante en Canada