World Judo Federation Produce X Día Internacional de Jigoro Kano en su 160 Aniversario.
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana.- De acuerdo a la convocatoria partipantes de diferentes paises de toda America se unieron a la Conferencia Mundial del X Dia Internacional de Jigoro Kano en el 160 Aniversario de su nacimiento.
Esta actividad nacio en 2011 luego de la fundacion de la World Judo Federation (WJF) con la finalidad expresa de rescatar las vivencias de Jigoro Kano desde su nacimiento hasta la fundacion del Kodokan en 1882 y su posterior designacion como miembro del Comite Olimpico Internacional sin dejar de lado las penurias y visicitudes que tuvo para mantener a flote el sueño de su vida como lo fue el judo.
Correspondio a Jaime Casanova Martinez, Republica Dominicana, en su condicion de presidente de la World Judo Federation da la bienvenida a los participantes al momento de presentar a los demas miembros del Comite Ejecutivo de la entidad continental y a otros dirigentes de los paises participantes, entre otros.
En la ocasion la intervencion la señora Elizabeth Thompson, presidenta de la Federacion Nacional de Judo de Chile (Fenajudo) presento y leyo una amplia bigrafia del Maestro Kano con la colaboracion de Pablo Cosentino, argentino, secretario de la Union Panamericana de Judo (UPJ) y de Luiz Pavani, brasileño, presidente de la Confederacion Suramericana de Judo (CSJ) quien en la oportunidad hizo la traduccion del español al portugues.
Posteriormente el propio Luiz Pavani presento las mas de 50 fotos de la vida y figura historica del Maestro Kano con su correspondiente detallada explicacion en cada una de ellas.
Acto seguido el profesor Cosentino tuvo a su cargo la divulgacion de las Maximas de Jigoro Kano donde se refleja el pensamiento de este gran humanista quien fallecio en 1938 en la travesia que le llevaria a su patria Japon.
La presencia de Jorge Vallejos, chileno, director de gestion de la Union Panamericana de Judo, Israel Caraballo del judo de Republica Dominicana y Julian Abreu Jimenez del judo de los Estados Unidos, entre otros.
A los fines de dejar las memorias de la referida actividad colocamos a continuacion la biografia, fotos y maximas de Jigoro Kano , asi mismo, la ya referida conferencia la que fue dirigida por un gran colaborador como lo es el joven chileno de nombre Luciano Gonzalez.
World Judo Federation Produces X International Jigoro Kano Day in its 160th Anniversary.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- According to the call, participants from different countries throughout America joined the World Conference of the X International Day of Jigoro Kano on the 160th Anniversary of his birth.
This activity was born in 2011 after the foundation of the World Judo Federation (WJF) with the express purpose of rescuing the experiences of Jigoro Kano from his birth to the founding of the Kodokan in 1882 and his subsequent appointment as a member of the International Olympic Committee without leaving aside the hardships and vicissitudes he had to keep the dream of his life afloat as was judo.
It was Jaime Casanova Martinez, Dominican Republic, in his capacity as president of the World Judo Federation (WJF), to welcome the participants at the time of introducing the other members of the Executive Committee of the continental entity and other leaders of the participating countries, among others. others.
On the occasion of the intervention, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, president of the National Judo Federation of Chile (Fenajudo), presented and read a broad biograph of Master Kano with the collaboration of Pablo Cosentino, Argentine, secretary of the Pan American Judo Union (UPJ) and Luiz Pavani, Brazilian, president of the South American Judo Confederation (CSJ), who at the time did the translation from Spanish to Portuguese.
Later, Luiz Pavani himself presented the more than 50 photos of the life and historical figure of Master Kano with its corresponding detailed explanation in each one of them.
Immediately afterwards, Professor Cosentino was in charge of the dissemination of the Maximas by Jigoro Kano, which reflects the thought of this great humanist who died in 1938 on the journey that would take him to his homeland Japan.
The presence of Jorge Vallejos, from Chile, director of management of the Pan American Judo Union, Israel Caraballo from judo from the Dominican Republic and Julian Abreu Jimenez from judo from the United States, among others.
In order to leave the memories of the aforementioned activity, we place below the biography, photos and maxims of Jigoro Kano, likewise, the aforementioned conference which was directed by a great collaborator such as the young Chilean named Luciano Gonzalez.